in reply to how to find combine common elements of an array?

Thanks to inspiration from BrowserUK and wind (though I still have a ways to go before I grok their replies) I think I have something to share if only for terseness.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use List::Util(qw(min)); use List::MoreUtils(qw(uniq)); my @array = map {[split]} ("11 12", "11 13", "9 8 7", "3 4", "11 4"); my %v2g = (); my %g2v = (); for my $i (@array) { my @sg = sort {$a<=>$b} uniq grep {defined} (@v2g{@$i}, min @$i); my $sg = shift @sg; $g2v{$v2g{$_} ||= $sg}->{$_}++ for @$i; for my $j (@sg) { @v2g{keys %{$g2v{$j}}} = ($sg) x keys %{$g2v{$j}}; @{$g2v{$sg}}{keys %{$g2v{$j}}} = values %{$g2v{$j}}; delete $g2v{$j}; } } print join ("\n", map {join " ", sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$_} values %g2v) +, "\n";


3 4 11 12 13
7 8 9

About the only thing really new to add to the discussion is that this problem seems to be equivalent to finding the disjoint subgraphs of a vertex adjacency matrix of a non-directed graph. So there's probably an algorithm out there that puts this code's efficiency to shame.