tercoz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello, my n_name is tercoz, Russia. I am very very new in perl and I want to ask a question. I have written a code to secure all data which is gotten from web forms. Is this code valid? It's working but, maybe i lost something in particular, maybe something is not as secure as i planned. Thank you.

#!/usr/bin/perl -T use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw/param/; use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/; #__No uploads any more__ $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS=1; #__100kb in case of flooding__ $CGI::POST_MAX=102_400; #__in case for something to be executed__ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'; #__prints header__# sub header{ print "Content-type: text/html \n\n"; print qq( <html> <head> <title>Get all keys and values</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ABBFC9" link="#FFFF00" vlink="#FFFF00" alink="#FF0000" + text="#000000"> ) } #__prints footer__# sub footer{ print qq( </body> </html> <b><center><hr>END OF DOCUMENT<hr></b></center> ) } #__prints warnings__# sub Warning_One{ print '<span style="color:#ff0000;">KEY OR VALUE IS NOT VALID!</span +>'; exit } #__helps alot from unwanted SQL queries__ sub antiInjection{ my @badList = qw(select from where union order char drop alter desc +show set insert); chomp(my $param = shift); $param=~m/$_/i and print "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>WORD $_ IS BA +NNED FROM USE!</span>" and exit for (@badList); } ########## MAIN PROGRAM ######### my $query = new CGI; my $script_name = ""; #__html header__ &header; #__create test dir__ my $Test_Dir = 'TEST'; unless (-d $Test_Dir){ mkdir ("$Test_Dir", 0755) || die "<b>Error 675 couldn't create <br>< +b>$Test_Dir </b><br>$!<hr>"; } #__get timestamp__ my $Time_Stamp = time; #__name final file with timestamp value__ my $Results_File = "$Time_Stamp.txt"; my $Results_Path = "$Test_Dir/$Time_Stamp.txt"; #__print date and time to browser__ my $timeToShow = localtime($Time_Stamp); print"<br><br> On <u>$timeToShow</u> we saved results to file: ($Resul +ts_File)<hr>"; #__use timestamped file to add some data__ open (RESULTS, ">>$Results_Path") || die "Error 5643: can't print to < +br><b>$Results_Path</b><br>$!<hr>"; flock (RESULTS, 2); #__obtain all fields__ my @fields = $query->param; #__list of values for each parameter__ my @vals; for my $key (@fields){ #__check keys__ chomp($key); #__warning if forbidden characters to be involved__ &Warning_One if $key=~m/[^\w.-]+/; #__it's secured and untainted now__ $key = $1 if $key=~m/([\w.-]+)/; #__to make sure the digit is digit__ $key += 0 unless $key =~ m/\D+/; &antiInjection($key); #__obtain all values__ @vals = $query->param($key); for my $value (@vals){ ######## START REGEX ############ chomp($key,$value); &Warning_One if $value=~m/[^\w.-]+/; $value=$1 if $value=~m/([\w.-]+)/; $value+=0 unless $value=~m/\D+/; &antiInjection($value); ######## END REGEX ############## ######## PRINT TO FILE ########## print RESULTS "Key ($key) Value ($value)\n"; ######## PRINT TO THE BROWSER ########## print"<b>Key ($key) value ($value)<br>"; } } ################### ### CLOSE FILE ################### flock (RESULTS, 8); close (RESULTS); chmod (0666, "$Results_Path") || die "Error 5641: can't chmod to <br>< +b>$Results_File)</b><br>$!<hr>"; &footer;