my $help = qq|I am an area calculator that can do the following:\n \t 1 - Square \t 2- Rectangle\n \t 3 - Paralellogram \t 4 - Trapezoid\n|; ## Add additional functions here! print "\n\n$help\n"; while ( 1 ) { print "What would you like to do? "; my $type=<>; chomp ($type); $type = lc($type); while ($type) { if ( ($type eq '1' )||( $type eq 'square') ) { $type = "Square"; say "Okay. I am working with a $type.\n"; say "ENTER SIDE LENGTH"; my $square_side = chomp(<>); my $square_area= $square_side**2; say "ANSWER= $square_area"; } elsif ( ($type eq '2' )||( $type eq 'rectangle') ) { $type = "rectangle"; # etc. . . } elsif ( $type eq '' ) { last; } else { print "\n\n$help\n"; } } } print "Thank you for using my Calculator\n";