in reply to Truely Unique Code Set?

Here's your program with some annotations (#-- annotation):

#!/usr/bin/ #-- try: #!/usr/bin/perl #-- or: #!/usr/bin/env perl #program to generate 6 Million unique codes, Oct 15, 2011. #-- 'use strict;' - strongly recommended #-- 'use warnings;' - strongly recommended open(MYOUTFILE, ">codesSixMil.txt"); #open for write, overwrite (>) #-- 1.) 3-argument-open() recommended #-- 2.) filehandle could be e.g. $codesfile instead of MYOUTFILE, but +it's # okay for a small script. #-- 3.) check if open fails: # 'open( MYOUTFILE, '>', "codesSixMil.txt") or die "cannot open +codesSixMil.txt - $!";' #-- 4.) maybe use a variable for filename: 'my $code_filename = "codes +SixMil.txt" #-- 'use strict;' will tell you to rewrite the following lines # as 'my $count = 0;' etc. $count = 0; #keep track of how many codes generated $count1 = 0; #keep track of how many codes duplicated #-- bad variable names, esp. $count1 --> e.g. $codes_generated, $codes +_unique $desiredQuantity = 6000001; #-- 'off by one' smell - if you want exactly 6M then write 6000000 and + adjust loop #-- (or more readable: 6_000_000) @arrayOfResults =(); #-- bad variable name: suggestion: @unique_codes or @raw_codes or ... sub generate_random_string { my $stringsize = shift; my @alphanumeric = ('a'..'z', 3,4,6,7,9); my $randstring = join '', (map { $alphanumeric[rand@alphanumeric] } + @alphanumeric)[0 .. $stringsize]; #-- maybe: # my $randstring = join '', (map { $alphanumeric[rand@alphanumeric] } + (1..$stringsize); return $randstring; } for ($i=0;$i<$desiredQuantity;$i++) { #-- C-style loop. More Perlish: 'for (1..$desiredQuantity) {' $returnvalue = generate_random_string(10); #-- bad name. Suggestion: $code_key or the like... #-- maybe use a $code_length variable instead of '10'? push(@arrayOfResults, $returnvalue); $count++; #-- not very useful: after the loop: '$count == $desiredQ +uantity;' #-- Can be replaced by $desiredQuantitity (maybe). } #remove any potential duplicates @unique = grep { ++$count{$_} < 2 } @arrayOfResults; #-- waste of memory, but should work #loop through array to output each code on its own line #with a carriage return as required. for ($i=0;$i<$desiredQuantity;$i++) { #-- needless use of C-style loop here #-- if you have duplicates, @unique < @arrayOfResults, so #-- replace $desiredQuantity by $#unique - or better #-- rewrite the loop in 'for my $code ( @unique ) {' style print @unique[$i], "\n"; #-- for debugging? Increases runtime. print MYOUTFILE @unique[$i], "\r\n"; $count1++; #-- see $count above } #do some rudimentary checking and output result. print "\n---Code generation report--- \n\n"; print "First array: $count \n"; print " Unique array: $count1 \n\n"; print "---There are ", $count-$count1, " code duplicates in this listi +ng of ", $desiredQuantity, " ---\n\n\n"; #-- Your current implementation will always tell you: $count1 == $coun +t == $desiredQuantity #-- even if @unique < @arrayOfResults giving you the false impression +to have $count unique codes #*** Close the file *** close(MYOUTFILE);

Maybe it is easier to store the codes as hash keys and generate random codes until the desired quantity is reached? This one runs approx. 3x faster.

#!/usr/bin/perl #program to generate 6 Million unique codes, Oct 15, 2011. use strict; use warnings; my $codes_filename = shift || "codesSixMil2.txt"; my $desiredQuantity = shift || 6_000_001; my $code_length = shift || 10; my @code_set = ('a'..'z', 3,4,6,7,9); sub generate_random_string { my $stringsize = shift; return join '', map { $code_set[rand@code_set] } (1..$stringsize); } my %unique_codes; while ( scalar keys %unique_codes < $desiredQuantity ) { $unique_codes{ generate_random_string( $code_length ) }++; } my $unique_codes_count = scalar keys %unique_codes; die "Mismatch: Codes generated: $unique_codes_count, but wanted $desir +edQuantity!" if $unique_codes_count != $desiredQuantity; open( MYOUTFILE, '>', $codes_filename ) or die "cannot open $codes_fil +ename - $!"; for my $code ( keys %unique_codes ) { print MYOUTFILE $code, "\r\n"; } close(MYOUTFILE); print "Unique codes (size=$code_length) written to '$codes_filename': +$unique_codes_count\n";

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Re^2: Truely Unique Code Set?
by richCarthew (Initiate) on Oct 15, 2011 at 21:28 UTC
    Wow! Perlbotics- excellent reply and suggestions, I'm very grateful, not only does your answer address my desire to have the unique-ness verified, but I appreciate the thought that went into making my code more robust. I agree with your annotations and actually, they help me in other languages too, as it has made me more aware of better descriptive names for my variables. Great work, thank you. Rich.
    I dove into the C, found a Shell and inside was a PERL.