in reply to Re: scoping problem?
in thread scoping problem?

I suspect you are still falling foul of blank lines or maybe unexpected line endings (Windows cr/lf line endings on a *nix system for example). The following code may be closer to what you need:

use strict; use warnings; open my $tempOut, '>', 'delme.txt' or die "Can't create temp file: $!\ +n"; print $tempOut <<FILE; "ADELMAN","John","adad","Ray" "AGAN","John","agag","Aditya" "AHMED","John","ahah","Conor" FILE close $tempOut; @ARGV = 'delme.txt'; while(<>){ chomp; s/"//g; my ($username,$color) = (split /,/,$_)[2,3]; next if ! defined $color; print "here is the username: $username\n" if "agag" =~ m/($usernam +e)/; }


here is the username: agag

However you seem to be parsing a CSV file so really you should be using one of the modules designed for that task such as Text::CSV.

Oh, and you really should use warnings in addition to strict!

True laziness is hard work