in reply to Re: Doxygen Perl Filter on Windows
in thread Doxygen Perl Filter on Windows

Hi GrandFather and Marshall,

First thank you for your reply.

Well Marshall, I agreed with you, Perl is not that structured as C/C++ or similar languages, Perl gives too much freedom to the programmer on how things can be done.

GrandFather, is difficult to tell where it fails because I don't get any errors, all the files that Doxygen generates are there, but when opening the only thing listed is the file that contains the subroutines. Errors I've got where normal from Doxygen that I could solve.

I'm not looking or expecting that Doxygen and the filter do all the work. I know I have to comment most of the files and edit some other things to get the results I want. So, I'm sorry if what I wrote seemed like I was looking for someone to do my work. It was not my intention I'm still learning english. :-D

The example I have is as follows:

sub marine { $n += 1; # Global variable $n print "Hello, sailor number $n!\n"; } sub printcelsius { $degc = ($degf - 32) * (5/9); print "$degf degrees fahrenheit is $degc degrees celsius\n"; }

Now, imagine around two to four thousand of subroutines like these on which I have put all the comments I list below.

These are my tries:

1) "Using" Doxygen syntax

#/** \fn int mult (int x, int y) #\brief Multiply two number. #\param x Factor 1. #\param y Factor 2. #\retval Multiplication #*/


#** \fn int mult (int x, int y) #brief Multiply two number. #param x Factor 1. #param y Factor 2. #retval Multiplication #*


## \fn int mult (int x, int y) #brief Multiply two number. #param x Factor 1. #param y Factor 2. #retval Multiplication

1) "Using" Perl-Filter syntax

#/** @method public int mult (int x, int y) # @brief Multiply two number. # @param x Factor 1. # @param y Factor 2. # @retval Multiplication #*/

I have used them before, after and inside the subroutines without any luck yet.

I look forward for your comments. Thanks again.