in reply to Re^3: Insert checkbutton into MListbox
in thread Insert checkbutton into MListbox

Can you please explain the answer a bit more. "Pack all the buttons in it" ... here button means checkbutton ...right ? And you want me to create a 'up' and 'down' button beside each of those checkbuttons in each row ? Currently I am running the following code. If you just look at it,it will help you to explain me a bit elaborately

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::TList; use Tk::ItemStyle; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); my $style = $mw->ItemStyle('window'); my $tl = $mw->Scrolled("TList", -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-side=>'l +eft', -fill => 'y'); $mw->Button(-text => "UP", -command => \&press_func_up)->pack(); $mw->Button(-text => "DOWN", -command => \&press_func_dwn)->pack(); foreach my $item ("State" , "Dependency", "CalcTime", "Result") { my $btn = $tl->Checkbutton(-text => $item); $tl->insert('end', -itemtype => 'window', -style => $style, -widge +t => $btn); } sub press_func_up { # Move items up } sub press_func_dwn { # Move items up } MainLoop;