shortyfw06 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am having a problem with the following code. It runs but the -text=> \$label is not printing the proper labels. Where am I mistaken?

use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; my $out_req_frm = $mw -> Frame()->pack(); my $output_lab = $out_req_frm -> Label(-text=>"Select desired output f +rom the following.", -font=>"ansi 10 bold")->pack(); my %chk_; my %chk; my %out_req; my $n = 1; $out_req1 = '1. Carpet Plot Data'; $out_req2 = "2. Laminate Properties"; $out_req3 = "3. Laminate Stresses"; $out_req4 = "4. Laminate Strains"; $out_req5 = "5. Circumferential and Radial Stresses/Strains"; $out_req6 = "6. Displacements"; $out_req7 = "7. Strains Per Ply"; $out_req8 = "8. Stresses Per Ply"; $out_req9 = "9. Failure Criteria Per Ply"; $out_req10 = "10. Automatic Search for Failure"; do { my $row = $n + 1; my $label = $out_req{$n}; print $label; $chk_{$n} = $out_req_frm -> Checkbutton(-text=> \$label, -variable=> \$chk{$n}, -offvalue=>"0", -onvalue=>"1")->pack(); #$chk_{$n} -> grid(-row=>$row, -column=>1, -sticky=>'w'); $n = $n + 1; } until ($n==11); MainLoop;

Thank you!