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Re^2: Using Windows Curl.exe in Perl

by liv2luv (Initiate)
on Apr 26, 2012 at 12:57 UTC ( [id://967337]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Using Windows Curl.exe in Perl
in thread Using Windows Curl.exe in Perl

Thanks Rob. That worked! Have a follow-up question though - for files over 100kb, I am getting an error: Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory Looked around to see but could not find anything that works. Can you please throw some light here, please. Thanks again.

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Re^3: Using Windows Curl.exe in Perl
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 26, 2012 at 13:14 UTC
      Thank you for the pointer to use File::Temp module. Able to generate a temporary file name but not sure how to write the content from a string into the temp file, simple assignment does not work viz., $tempFile = $stringValue; Following is my code, please advice:
      use strict; use File::Find; use MIME::Base64; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); sub loadFiles(); #udf sub mySub(); #udf my @files = (); my $dir = shift || die "Argument missing: directory name\n"; my $finalLoc; my $filePath; my $fileContents; my $base64EncFile; my $domain = "ABC"; my $devFilePath; my $deviceDir; my $position; my $user = "admin"; my $encPwd = "kaosapdkasd="; my $decPwd; my $response; my $temp; my $tempFilename; loadFiles(); #call #map ({ print "$_\n"; } @files); foreach (@files) { $filePath = $_; $filePath =~ s/\//\\/g; $devFilePath = $_; $devFilePath =~ s/\\/\//g; $position = index( $devFilePath, "RPDM" ); $deviceDir = "local:///" . substr( $devFilePath, $position ); open( FILE, "< $filePath" ); $fileContents = do { local $/; <FILE> }; $base64EncFile = encode_base64($fileContents); $base64EncFile =~ s/[\x0A\x0D]//g; #creating a temp file to be able to set large files (~500 kb) $temp = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => "tempXXXXXXXXX", UNLINK => 0 ) or die "Could not make tempfile: $!"; close $temp or die "Could not close tempfile: $!"; $tempFilename = $temp->filename; print "$filePath\n"; print "$tempFilename \n"; my $dpString = "<env:Envelope xmlns:env='' x +mlns:dp=''><env:Body><dp:r +equest domain='$domain'><dp:set-file name='$deviceDir'>" . $base64EncFile . "</dp:set-file></dp:request></env:Body></env:Envelope>"; $decPwd = decode_base64($encPwd); #***HOW TO GET THE CONTENTS FROM $dpString INTO $tempFilename OTHER TH +AN SIMPLE ASSIGNMENT ? $tempFilename = $dpString; #print "\n$dpString\n"; #$response = system('C:\\apps\\curl-7.15.0\\curl.exe', '-#', '-k', '-u +', "admin:$decPwd", '--data-binary', "$dpString", 'https://hostxyz:55 +50/service/mgmt/current'); # print "$response\n"; system( 'C:\\apps\\curl-7.15.0\\curl.exe', '-#', '-k', '-u', "admin:$decPwd", '--data-binary', "$dpString", 'https://hostxyz:5550/service/mgmt/current' ); close(FILE); print "\n--------------------------------------------------------- +--\n"; } sub loadFiles() { find( \&mySub, "$dir" ); #custom subroutine find, parse $dir } # following gets called recursively for each file in $dir, check $_ to + see if you want the file! sub mySub() { push @files, $File::Find::name if (/(\.xml|\.xsl|\.xslt|\.ffd|\.dpa|\.wsdl|\.xsd)$/i) ; # modify the regex as per your needs or pass it as another +arg }

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