in reply to Remove text after and before

You could replace your source data with this:
my @NIC = split("\n", `ip link | sed -n 1~2p | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d ' '`);
and go from there, though that's not really the Perl way :P

A more perlish way would be like this:
my @raw_data = `ip link`; my @NIC = grep { /^\d+:\ /; } @raw_data; for (@NIC) { chomp; s/^[0-9]+:\ ([a-z]+[0-9]*):\ .*$/$1/; } Data::Dump::dd(@NIC);
(For some reason map { s/^[0-9]+:\ ([a-z]+[0-9]*):\ .*$/$1/; } grep ... doesn't seem to work).

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Re^2: Remove text after and before
by moritz (Cardinal) on May 22, 2012 at 10:07 UTC
    (For some reason map { s/^[0-9]+:\ ([a-z]+[0-9]*):\ .*$/$1/; } grep ... doesn't seem to work).

    That's because s/// returns the number of substitutions, not the substituted string, and map picks up the return value of the block. So adding a $_; to the end of the block might help, then the block returns the substituted text.