in reply to Parsing HTML

This is just an "I wonder.... observation... about something that's very possibly not a factor, but the .html you show is peculiar to say the least... and if it isn't what Firebug is telling you, that might bear on your attempt to parse it.

<span>... </span> tags without attributes amount to no-ops.

I don't use Firebug so I have no solid reason to suspect that it's pruning tags for some reason... but, to me (YMMV), that makes at least as much sense as .html burdened with no-ops that have to ride the wire along with the substance of the page. It might be well to look at the source using view source and view generated source.

OTOH, maybe the code generating the page was written -- with very limited knowledge of .html -- by the DBA responsible for the data. That supposition arises from the use of &nbsp; in the date (six keystrokes where one would have been sufficient -- for no good reason I can discern).

PS: If you want each trip on its own, separate line, you need merely add a newline to the print $trip; at line 12 -- e.g.  print "$trip \n"; or print $trip . "\n";".

PPS: This puzzled me enough to make me actually look at the page in question... and it does, indeed, appear to have code very similar to what you've shown. There are a couple support files that were inaccessible, when I looked, but imputing any issue to them is merely speculative and probably a non-starter.