#!/usr/bin/perl # Program to generate Random DNA set: use strict; use warnings; print "\n\n Enter No. of DNA Molecules required: "; chomp( my $number = ); print "\n Enter Maximum length of DNA (bases): "; chomp( my $maxl = ); print "\n Enter Minimum length of DNA (bases): "; chomp( my $minl = ); # An array initialized to the empty list, to store the DNA in: # Call the subroutine to do the real job: my @random_DNA = make_random_DNA_set( $minl, $maxl, $number ); # print the results, one per line print "\n The DNA set containing $number DNA molecules, varying in length from $minl to $maxl bases, are:\n\n"; print map( "$_\n", @random_DNA ), "\n"; my $output = 'my RandDNA .txt'; open my $RESULT, '>', $output or die qq[Cannot open file "$output" because: $!]; print $RESULT <