#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; ################################# ## HASH OF ARRAYS: ################################# my @a=qw/A B C D/; my @b=qw/20 19 22 23/; my @c=qw/x1 x2 x3 x4/; my @d=qw/phone4 phone2 phone3 phone1/; my @e=qw/72 55 83 69/; my @f=qw/2011 2012 2009 2008/; # HASH of arrays: my %hash=('Name' => @a, 'Age' => @b, 'Regd_no' => @c, 'Phone_num'=> @d, 'Marks' => @e, 'Pass_year'=> @f); ## To access all the information with the query of Regd Number: print"\n Enter the regd number (say x3): "; my $entry=; ## Code for accessing individual student information ??? (Not known) ## Code for inserting & deleting the details of a student ??? exit;