Hi [...], This is a kind of off-the-wall request. I've picked you out from an internet search for: "professor of women's studies university" I wonder if you would consider looking at a cartoon: And briefly offering your opinion on whether it is offensive to women? This comes about from an on-line discussion amongst (mostly) male programmers, some of whom think it might be. My personal conclusion -- white anglo-saxon male atheist 30 years married to a muslim women -- is that it is not offensive to women, but rather makes men's innate, stereotypical reactions, the butt of the joke. But I would like a second opinion. Many thanks for your time, regardless of your decision, [...] Ps. for reference: Perl is a computer programming language; Moose is a new, hyped, but very heavyweight add-on library for that language. Mouse is another add-on library providing similar functionality, but in a much lighter form.