#! /usr/bin/perl -slw use strict; use warnings; use threads; use Thread::Queue; use Net::FTP; use Cwd; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year = $year + 1900; $mon = $mon + 1; my $today = sprintf ("%d-%02d-%02d", $year, $mon, $mday); # print $today . "\n"; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time-604800); $year = $year + 1900; $mon = $mon + 1; my ($gFtp, $gResponseCode, $gServer, $gFtpServer, $gFtpUser, $gFtpPass, $gDirs, $gCnt); my ($gPs); my (@gDirectories); # change these to your environment $gServer = "LOCALSERFVER"; our $MAXTHREADS = 10; $gFtpServer = "FTPSERVER"; $gFtpUser = "FTPUSER"; $gFtpPass = "FTPPASS"; $gDirs = "/var/www/html,/home"; # comma seperated list of dirs to back up. @gDirectories = split (",", $gDirs); &connectFTP(); $gFtp->mkdir($today); $gFtp->cwd($today); sub worker { my $tid = threads->tid; my( $Qwork, $Qresults ) = @_; my ($running, $check, $process); my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($gFtpServer, Debug => 0); $ftp->login($gFtpUser, $gFtpPass) or print "unable to login to $gFtpServer: $ftp->message\n"; while(my $work = $Qwork->dequeue) { my $result; my @workItem; @workItem = split (",", $work); chomp($workItem[0]); chomp($workItem[1]); chomp($workItem[2]); print "ftp dir: $workItem[0]\n"; print "local dir: $workItem[1]\n"; print "file: $workItem[2]\n"; chdir($workItem[1]) or print "unable to open $workItem[2]\n"; $ftp->cwd($workItem[0]) or print "unable to FTP change dir $workItem[0]: $ftp->message\n"; $ftp->put($workItem[2]) or print "unable to FTP $workItem[2]: $ftp->message\n"; ## Process $work to produce $result ## $result = "$tid : result for workitem "; $Qresults->enqueue( $result ); } $Qresults->enqueue( undef ); ## Signal this thread is finished $ftp->quit; } my $Qwork = new Thread::Queue; my $Qresults = new Thread::Queue; ## Create the pool of workers my @pool = map{ threads->create( \&worker, $Qwork, $Qresults ) } 1 .. $MAXTHREADS; ## Get the work items (from somewhere) ## and queue them up for the workers $gCnt = 0; while(defined($gDirectories[$gCnt])) { my ($lCnt, $lNumDirs); my (@lDirectory); @lDirectory = split ("/", $gDirectories[$gCnt]); $lNumDirs = scalar(grep {defined $_} @lDirectory); print "num dirs: $lNumDirs\n"; $lCnt = 0; while (defined($lDirectory[$lCnt])) { chomp($lDirectory[$lCnt]); if ($lCnt == 0) { print $lDirectory[$lCnt]." $lCnt"; chdir('/'); } elsif ($lCnt == ($lNumDirs - 1)) { print $lDirectory[$lCnt]." $lCnt"; &scanDirectory($lDirectory[$lCnt]); } else { print $lDirectory[$lCnt]." $lCnt"; $gFtp->mkdir($lDirectory[$lCnt]); $gFtp->cwd($lDirectory[$lCnt]); chdir($lDirectory[$lCnt]); print "creating Dir $lDirectory[$lCnt]\n"; my $temp = &cwd; print $temp."\n"; } $lCnt++; } $gCnt++; } $gFtp->quit(); ## Tell the workers there are no more work items $Qwork->enqueue( (undef) x $MAXTHREADS ); ## Process the results as they become available ## until all the workers say they are finished. for ( 1 .. $MAXTHREADS ) { while( my $result = $Qresults->dequeue ) { ## Do something with the result ## print $result; } } ## Clean up the threads $_->join for @pool; sub scanDirectory { my ($workdir) = @_; my ($startdir, $ftpStartDir, $name, $ftpCurrentDir, $workItem); my (@names); $startdir = &cwd; # keep track of where we began $ftpStartDir = $gFtp->pwd(); # print "workdir " . $workdir . "\n"; # print "startdir " . $startdir . "\n"; # print "ftpStartDir " . $ftpStartDir . "\n"; # print "ftp mkdir " . $workdir . "\n"; $gFtp->mkdir($workdir, 0); # print "ftp cd1 " . $workdir . "\n"; $gFtp->cwd($workdir); $ftpCurrentDir = $gFtp->pwd(); # print "ftpCurrentDir ".$ftpCurrentDir."\n"; chdir($workdir) or die "Unable to enter dir $workdir:$!\n"; opendir(DIR, ".") or die "Unable to open $workdir:$!\n"; @names = readdir(DIR) or die "Unable to read $workdir:$!\n"; closedir(DIR); foreach $name (@names){ next if ($name eq "."); next if ($name eq ".."); # is this a directory? if (-d $name){ &scanDirectory($name); next; } else { # print "ftp " . $name . "\n"; # print $startdir."/".$workdir."/".$name . "\n"; #print $ftpCurrentDir."\n"; $workItem = sprintf("%s,%s/%s/,%s",$ftpCurrentDir,$startdir,$workdir,$name); #print $workItem."\n"; $Qwork->enqueue($workItem); } } # print "ftp cd2 " . $ftpStartDir . "\n"; $gFtp->cwd($ftpStartDir); chdir($startdir) or print "Unable to change to dir $startdir:$!\n"; } sub connectFTP { $gFtp = Net::FTP->new($gFtpServer, Debug => 0); if (!$gFtp) { $gResponseCode = sprintf ("Cannot connect to $gFtpServer: $@"); print $gResponseCode . "\n"; return 0; } if (!$gFtp->login($gFtpUser, $gFtpPass)) { $gResponseCode = sprintf ("Cannot login to $gFtpServer: %s", $gFtp->message); print $gResponseCode . "\n"; return 0; } return 1; }