sub compareLT105 { my $arrayRef = shift; { # bare block to narrow scope of local() local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { chomp( my $msg = $_[0] ); print STDERR $msg," \$arrayRef = [qw(@{$arrayRef})]\n"; }; return 'true' if $arrayRef->[1] < 105; } return 'false'; } For 100 compareLT105 says: true For 106 compareLT105 says: false Argument "100A" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at line 27. $arrayRef = [qw(3 100A)] For 100A compareLT105 says: true Argument "100B2" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at line 27. $arrayRef = [qw(4 100B2)] For 100B2 compareLT105 says: true