require Tk::Widget; package Tk::Widget; use strict; use warnings; # keep Tk::Widgets namespace clean my($motion, $do_scroll, $mousewheel_event, $setup, ); sub DynaMouseWheelBind{ my $w = shift; my @classes = @_; my $mw = $w->MainWindow; $setup->($mw); for my $class (@classes) { eval "require $class" or die $@; # initialize class bindings so the following changes # won't get overridden $class->InitClass($mw); # replace MouseWheel bindings - these should be processed # through the $mw binding only my @mw_events = ('', '<4>', '<5>', ); $mw->bind($class,$_,'') for (@mw_events); $mw->bind($class,'<>',$do_scroll); } } # setup two bindings to track the window under the cursor # and globally receive $setup = sub{ my $mw = shift; $mw->bind('all','',$motion); # could be as well $mw->bind('all','',[$mousewheel_event, Tk::Ev('D')]); $mw->bind('all','<4>',[$mousewheel_event, 120]); $mw->bind('all','<5>',[$mousewheel_event, -120]); }; { my $under_cursor ; my $scrollable; my $delta; $motion = sub { $under_cursor = $_[0]->XEvent->Info('W'); }; $do_scroll = sub{ $scrollable->yview('scroll', -($delta/120)*3, 'units'); }; $mousewheel_event = sub{ my $widget = shift; $delta = shift; # just in case, the mouse has not been moved yet: my $w = $under_cursor ||= $widget; my @tags = $w->bindtags; my $has_binding; until ($has_binding || $w->isa('Tk::Toplevel')){ if($w->Tk::bind(ref($w),'<>')){ $has_binding = 1 ; }else{ $w = $w->parent; } } if ($has_binding) { $scrollable = $w; $w->eventGenerate('<>'); } }; } # end of scope for $under_cursor, $scrollable, $delta 1;