package Base::Roots; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(root root_directory get_data data_directory print_styles email file_text); use Cwd; use File::Basename; use List::Util qw(first); my $file_name = basename($0); my $full_path = getcwd; my %hosts = ( 'C:/Documents and Settings/ME/My Documents/fantasy' => { link => q(http://localhost), user => q(ME), name => q(ME's Domain), mail => q(ME@localhost), }, '/ftp/pub/www/fantasy' => { link => q(, user => q(Fantasy), name => q(Fantasy's Realm), mail => q(, }, '/home/lady_aleena/var/www' => { link => q(, user => q(Lady Aleena), name => q(Lady Aleena's Home), mail => q(, }, ); sub root_directory { my @dir = grep { $_ if $full_path =~ /^$_/ } keys %hosts; return pop @dir; } my $rootdir = root_directory(); die qq($rootdir is not on the list.) unless exists $hosts{$rootdir}; for my $host (keys %hosts) { $hosts{$host}{data} = $rootdir.'/files/data'; for my $key qw(audio css images) { $hosts{$host}{$key} = $hosts{$host}{link}.'/files/'.$key; } } #email just returns an e-mail link depending on the server it is on. sub email { return qq($hosts{$rootdir}{user}); } sub root { my ($var) = @_; return $hosts{$rootdir}{$var}; } sub data_directory { my ($dir) = @_; return root('data')."/$dir/"; } my $rootlink = root('link'); my $relative_path = $full_path.'/'.$file_name; $relative_path =~ s!^$rootdir!!; $relative_path =~ s!.p[lm]$!!; #get_data searches the data directories for or takes parameters to get a data file. sub get_data { my ($directory,$filename) = @_; my $data = $directory && $filename ? root('data')."/$directory/$filename" : first {-e $_} map("$rootdir/files/data/$relative_path.$_",qw(csv txt)); return $data; } #get_styles and print_styles searches the css directories for all of the style sheets that go with a file. my @relative_path_split = split("/",$relative_path); my @styles = (root('css').'/main.css'); sub get_styles { my ($style_dir) = @_; while (@relative_path_split) { my $var = shift @relative_path_split; if (-f ("$style_dir$var.css")) { push @styles, "$style_dir$var.css"; } get_styles("$style_dir$var/"); } } get_styles($rootdir.'/files/css'); sub print_styles { for my $style (@styles) { $style =~ s!$rootdir!$rootlink!; print qq{\t\n}; } } #file_text makes the printed file name more attractive and in one case adds a little punctuation, more may be added later. sub file_text { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s!$rootlink/!!; $text =~ s!\.\w{2,5}?$!!; $text =~ s!&!&!g; $text =~ s!_(Mr|Mrs|Ms|Dr)_!_$1._!g; $text =~ s!_! !g; return $text; } 1;