#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # BEGIN { # make the environment safe delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{PATH} = ""; } use strict; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Apache::Htpasswd; my $cgi = new CGI; $|++; my %settings = (title => "htpasswd change page", dir => "/home/user/public_html/cgi-bin", htpasswd => ".htpasswd", fields => [ "old_passwd", "new_passwd", "new_passwd2" ], ); $settings{user} = $ENV{REMOTE_USER}; my $htpasswd = new Apache::Htpasswd("$settings{dir}/$settings{htpasswd}"); print_page_headers($settings{title}); process_form(); print_form(); exit; sub process_form { return unless ( $cgi->param('change') ); my %data; for my $field ($cgi->param()){ if ( scalar grep /^\Q$field\E$/, @{$settings{fields}} ){ # its a field we know about my $tmp = substr($cgi->param($field), 0, 50); $tmp = lc($tmp) if ( $field eq "change_user_name" ); $data{$field} = $tmp || ''; } } if ( !$data{old_passwd} or !$data{new_passwd} or !$data{new_passwd2} ){ print $cgi->p("You must fill out all fields!"); return; } if ( ! $htpasswd->htCheckPassword($settings{user}, $data{old_passwd}) ){ print $cgi->p("Old password incorrect or invalid user name"); return; } if ( $data{new_passwd} eq $data{old_passwd} ){ print $cgi->p("New password must be different to old password!"); return; } if ( $data{new_passwd} ne $data{new_passwd2} ){ print $cgi->p("New passwords don't match!"); return; } if ( $data{new_passwd} !~ /^\S{6,8}$/ or $data{new_passwd} !~ /[^a-zA-Z]+/ ){ print $cgi->p("New password must be 6-8 chars and contain at least one number or punctuation character"); return; } $htpasswd->htpasswd($settings{user}, $data{new_passwd}, $data{old_passwd}); if ( my $error = $htpasswd->error() ){ print $cgi->p("There was en error: [$error]"); } else { print $cgi->p("Password for $settings{user} was succesfully changed"); } } sub print_page_headers { my $title = shift || "Page without a title"; print $cgi->header(); print $cgi->start_html($title); print $cgi->h2($title); print $cgi->hr(); return; } sub print_form { for (@{$settings{fields}} ){ $cgi->delete($_); } print $cgi->start_form(); print $cgi->b("Password Change for $settings{user}"); print $cgi->table({-border=>0}, $cgi->Tr( $cgi->td("Enter your ", $cgi->strong("old"), " password"), $cgi->td($cgi->password_field( -name => 'old_passwd', -value => '', -size => 10, -maxlength => 8))), $cgi->Tr($cgi->td("Enter your ", $cgi->strong("new"), " password"), $cgi->td($cgi->password_field( -name => 'new_passwd', -value => '', -size => 10, -maxlength => 10))), $cgi->Tr($cgi->td("Re-Enter your new password"), $cgi->td($cgi->password_field( -name => 'new_passwd2', -value => '', -size => 10, -maxlength => 10)), $cgi->td($cgi->submit( -name => 'change', -value => 'Change Password'))), ); print $cgi->end_form(), $cgi->hr(); print $cgi->end_html(); print "\n"; }