in reply to Perl Get issue

Withoug qr//s, a dot does not match a newline.

Moreover, do not parse HTML with regular expressions. See Super Search.

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Re^2: Perl Get issue
by perlnoobster (Sexton) on Nov 14, 2012 at 11:05 UTC
    Hello, Sorry I do not understand, what do you mean qr//s? do I replace (.+?) with that? Thank you :)
      The qr part might be throwing you off. You don't need to change anything to qr; just add the s switch to the end of your regex:
      (qr// is just the regex quote operator; in this case it was used as a generic example of how to make a . match newlines).

      When's the last time you used duct tape on a duct? --Larry Wall
        Thank you so much, it works great! however it puts the Coming soon bit on a new line, is there any method of printing the results onto the same row? Thank you!