in reply to Re: Creating exception classes
in thread Creating exception classes

"When you write A::B::C in your program, perl searches all the directories in @INC for a directory named A that has a subdirectory named B, which contains a file called"

No it doesn't. It only does that search if you write use A::B::C, no A::B::C or require A::B::C. Merely mentioning the A::B::C package (for example, to call a constructor) does not force Perl to attempt to load the module.

The following code does not attempt to load "This/File/Does/No/Exist/On/My/"...

use strict; use warnings; { package This::File::Does::No::Exist::On::My::Disk; require Math::BigInt; our @ISA = 'Math::BigInt'; } my $number = This::File::Does::No::Exist::On::My::Disk->new(7); print $number * 6, "\n";
package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name