in reply to Re: Using IPC::Run to kill stuck process
in thread Using IPC::Run to kill stuck process

You're right, I must have gotten mixed up in the process. The command works as you indicated. Thank you everyone for your help.

Here's my final working code for completeness

#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use IPC::Run qw(run timeout); my $from_file = '/home/product/ftp-temp/'; my $tmp_to = '/home/product/ftp-temp/out.wav'; my $in; my $out; my $err; my @cmd = ('/usr/bin/ffmpeg','-y','-i', $from_file, $tmp_to); eval { #16 seconds is long enough to convert about 288 minutes of audio #Current server converts about 18 minutes per second of runtime. #production version will use custom timeout based on expected #lengths of material. run \@cmd, \$in,\$out,\$err, timeout(16, exception=>'timeout'); }; if ($@ =~ /timeout/) { print "Timed out...\n\n"; } else { print "\n\nCompleted Task\n\n"; }