in reply to Sierpinski Triangle

Here is an alternative solution. This one is a little shorter and strict and warning safe. Also it does not emit an empty first line. I developed it from ideas in previous solutions posted to See golf thread. If the alien golfers take up my challenge, it will be significantly shortened.

$_=$"x((1|1<<(pop||4))-1)."/\\ ";print,s,(?<=\\)..,$&^"\017|",ge,s,$,/\\,while+s+^ ++

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Sierpinski Triangle
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Aug 20, 2002 at 06:24 UTC

    Update: The golf dream team of Ton Hospel, Eugene van der Pijll, Mtv Europe and Keith C Ivey whittled 15 strokes from my initial offering:

    #!perl -l $_=$"x2**(pop||4);s'$'/\\',print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^aD^n8/egwhile+s\^ \\

    Here are some other solutions (without default argument) they concocted during their fidgeting:

    $_=$"x(1<<pop);print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^"\17|"/egwhile+s^\n?$^/\\\n^,s\^ \ +\ $_=$"x(1<<pop).$/;print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^"\17|"/egwhile+s^$^/\\^,s\^ \\ -lX $_=$"x2**pop;print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^"\17|"/egwhile+s*$*/\\**s+^ ++ -lX $_=$"x2**pop;print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^"\17|"/egwhile+s-^ (.*)-$+/\\- -l $_=$"x2**pop;s'$'/\\',print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^"\17|"/egwhile+s\^ \\ -l $_=$"x2**pop;s'$'/\\',print,s/(?<=\\)../$&^aD^n8/egwhile+s\^ \\