in reply to PerlIO: crlf layer on Windows interfering with UCS-2 unicode

Surprisingly, the trick only works for open, not binmode.

use strict; use warnings; sub dump_layers(*) { my @layers = PerlIO::get_layers($_[0]); print STDERR "@layers\n"; } my $file = 'temp'; { open(my $fh, '>:raw:encoding(ucs-2le):crlf:utf8', $file) or die; dump_layers($fh); } { open(my $fh, '<:raw:encoding(ucs-2le):crlf:utf8', $file) or die; dump_layers($fh); } unlink $file; binmode STDOUT, ':raw:encoding(ucs-2le):crlf:utf8' or die; dump_layers STDOUT; binmode STDIN, ':raw:encoding(ucs-2le):crlf:utf8' or die; dump_layers STDIN;
unix encoding(UCS-2LE) utf8 crlf utf8 unix encoding(UCS-2LE) utf8 crlf utf8 unix crlf encoding(UCS-2LE) utf8 unix crlf encoding(UCS-2LE) utf8

The only solution I've found follows, but I don't like it.

binmode $fh, ':raw:pop:encoding(ucs-2le):crlf:utf8'; # ^^^

The issue is that :raw disables the existing :crlf layer (but doesn't remove it) when using binmode. Then, the later :crlf reactivates the earlier :crlf layer instead of adding a new layer, messing everything up.