I needed a quick way to randomly turn the sound on and off for a game of pass the parcel...

use strict; use Win32::Sound; # the params are the lower and upper range - #i.e. what is the least and most possible seconds for either the music +/silence stage? my $min = $ARGV[0]; my $max = $ARGV[1]; my $sound = Win32::Sound::Volume(); while(1){ sleep int((rand($max-$min)+0.5)+$min); Win32::Sound::Volume() ? (Win32::Sound::Volume(0)) : (Win32::Sound:: +Volume($sound)); } __END__ 4, 9 seem okay params
map{$a=1-$_/10;map{$d=$a;$e=$b=$_/20-2;map{($d,$e)=(2*$d*$e+$a,$e**2 -$d**2+$b);$c=$d**2+$e**2>4?$d=8:_}1..50;print$c}0..59;print$/}0..20
Tom Melly, pm (at) cursingmaggot (stop) co (stop) uk