in reply to Re^11: file upload and IO::Handle
in thread file upload and IO::Handle

No, I don't really know why and it's honestly a lot of code to wade through. The main reason that you don't know is because you never check to see if things succeed or fail. Here's what I mean, in your hook sub, you have this code.

open (SES, ">$_sloc/$sessid.session"); print SES "$bytes_read:$length:$percent"; close (SES);

From my point of view, that's an error, what happens if you can't open the file? You just blindly write to it anyhow and the whole script ought to fail right there. As I said before, ALWAYS CHECK THE RETURN FROM OPEN. The simple fix is

open (SES, ">$_sloc/$sessid.session") or die $!; print SES "$bytes_read:$length:$percent"; close (SES);

Then try it and see if anything shows up in the server logs. After that, start the debugging process... use warn statements to ensure your variables contain what they ought to. Stick a warn @_; as the first line of the hook subroutine to be sure it's getting called and check that the parameters are sane. Then comment out the warn lines when it's working right.

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Re^13: file upload and IO::Handle
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 11, 2010 at 02:12 UTC
    It might be simpler to add
    use autodie;
    at the top of the script, better error messages at least
      Only error was in the ping, it could not open the file as it did not exist.

      No errors from hook, as if it is not even executing.
      Very strange in deed!

      Any other ideas?

        Ok, I even had the intital ping wait 5 seconds to make sure hook had time to write something to the file if it executed, still nothing.
