in reply to How can I create an array of filehandles?

As of Perl 5.6.0 file handles can be autovivified. So it is possible to open a file like this:

open my $fh, '>', $file_name or die "Cannot open $file_name: $!";

This allows us to refer to the filehandle as $fh. The following sub returns a hash keyed to the file names:

my %handles = get_write_handles(qw/col1.txt col2.txt col3.txt/); sub get_write_handles { my @file_names = @_; my %file_handles; foreach (@file_names) { open my $fh, '>', $_ or next; $file_handles{$_} = $fh; } return %file_handles; }

Note that files that cannot be opened are not defined in the hash. Now the files can be referred to from %handles:

print { $handles{'in.txt'} } "something\n";


foreach (values %handles) { print $_ "something\n"; }

To return an array we need to decide what happens if a file can't be opened. This sub dies:

sub get_read_handles { my @file_names = @_; my @file_handles; foreach (@file_names) { open my $fh, '<', $_ or die "Yikes $_: $!"; push @file_handles, $fh; } return @file_handles; }

While this will return undef for failed opens:

sub get_append_handles { my @file_names = @_; my @file_handles; foreach (@file_names) { if (open my $fh, '>>', $_) { push @file_handles, $fh; } else { push @file_handles, undef; } } return @file_handles; }