in reply to Export again

You have to ->import the symbols in to your library:

use warnings; use strict; package MyStandardModules; use Time::HiRes (); package main; Time::HiRes->import('gettimeofday'); print gettimeofday();

I suggest either calling the function/method qualified with the namespace (ala my $time = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()) or use()ing the module in the place you need the symbol imported.

Could you explain your adversion to use()ing the module in the package where the function is needed?

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Re^2: Export again
by Cagao (Monk) on Feb 22, 2011 at 09:19 UTC

    Thanks for all the help so far guys, it's all making sense.

    I'd like to move the "use" statements to one standard location instead of having to "use" several modules in all of my code, plus I can always then be certain that certain functions are always going to be available.