Slightly revised... so I guess really it is my second attempt.
($p,$_)=(95,'1154_LarryWallTribute_02B4124AF01411' );$_.=''. q)D41134A0114:-]1B4$_0D41641D4C094174(024;084164-; 0D4168);for(split/4/){m#(\d)(.+)#;($1)?($p-=hex$2) :($p+=hex$2);print chr($p)}#eval;print'Hi Mom!';$_

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: My first attempt at obfuscation
by ChuckularOne (Prior) on Apr 27, 2000 at 21:01 UTC
    I absolutely love the print'Hi Mom!'; at the end!

    Your Humble Servant,
      My Mom liked that too. Alas, she didn't get the rest of the humor.