in reply to multidimensional array's

"..$results[$loopcount] [1] = (@$row[1]); THIS LINE IS NOT WORKING..."

If I get your question right, and you suppose to generate an ARRAY of ARRAY, you could do something like this: Please note, this will only show you how to go about solving your question

my @AoA; while (<DATA>) { push @AoA, [split]; } use Data::Dump; dd \@AoA; __DATA__ First line of the file. Second line of the file. Third line of the file. Fourth line of the file. Fifth line of the file. Sixth line of the file.
[ ["First", "line", "of", "the", "file."], ["Second", "line", "of", "the", "file."], ["Third", "line", "of", "the", "file."], ["Fourth", "line", "of", "the", "file."], ["Fifth", "line", "of", "the", "file."], ["Sixth", "line", "of", "the", "file."], ]
Learn about this and more, please check perldsc and ARRAY of ARRAY

If you tell me, I'll forget.
If you show me, I'll remember.
if you involve me, I'll understand.
--- Author unknown to me