Just a little hack to round numbers. Strips leading zeros, pads the precision of you want more places then your decimal length...
#!/usr/bin/perl main(); sub main { my ($num,$prec)=@ARGV; my ($mant,$dec) = split (/\./,$num); $dec=$dec?$dec:"0"; $mant=~s/^(-?)0+/$1/; $mant=!$mant?0:$mant; ($prec,$dec)=$prec==0?($prec,undef):($prec+1,substr($dec,0,$prec+1 +)); $dec=~s/$dec/length($dec)<$prec?$dec."0"x($prec-length($dec)):$dec +/e; my $round = join ("",($mant,length($dec)?".":"",round($dec))); output ($round); } sub round { my $dec=shift; $dec=~s/(\d)(\d)$/$2<5?$1:$1+1/e; $dec; } sub output { print "Round = ",shift,"\n"; }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl rounder...
by maverick (Curate) on Apr 08, 2002 at 22:21 UTC
    Sorry dude, it's already been done.
    printf takes a sting that describes what you want to print. In your case a floating point number (f) with a precision that you specify as the second arg ($ARGV[1]) using the value in $ARGV[0]

    OmG! They killed tilly! You *bleep*!!

      Explains the negative comments votes.... REAP it then.
Re: Perl rounder...
by gav^ (Curate) on Apr 08, 2002 at 22:36 UTC