in reply to Who voted negative on my node ?

I agree with t0mas and his remark he refers to. Maybe there shouldn't be -- votes. Either you get a ++, or none at all. Then, if you don't like what someone posts, you need to comment on why to show your dissaproval.

At first, I wanted to respond to this and tell you to toughen up and stop your whinning, but, I know that that would likely get voted down. So, having negative votes can help cut down on the noise in postings. If I was to -- a post, and reply 'I think your code sucks, so I voted it down', well I would suspect that node would in turn be voted down.. so why would someone want to post that? And, why would someone want to read it? Then you would get into 'If you think it sucks, then tell me why', etc... That means noise, IMO.
