in reply to Load file into a scalar without File::Slurp

I just go:
my $contents = do { local $/; <HANDLE> };
The $/ variable is not per-filehandle, so no need to select.

-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: RE: Load file into a scalar without File::Slurp
by BlueLines (Hermit) on Jun 29, 2000 at 01:15 UTC
    rock on. it's nice to try to share an easy way to do something and end up with an even easier way in return :-)

RE: RE: Load file into a scalar without File::Slurp
by matthew (Acolyte) on Jul 14, 2000 at 20:58 UTC
    Try this on for size...

    <xmp> my $content = join"",<FILEHANDLE>; </xmp>

    oooh, I get goosebumps...

      But now you've built an array just to discard it when you create the string. So, you win points for "easy to type", but lose points for "wasteful implementation".

      -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker