This, my first obfu effort, uses modules from The Perl Data Language. You will need an xterm and the PDL modules (my apologies for the esoteric restrictions). For your efforts you will get an interactive OpenGL 3D JAPH. It works (at least) on a linux box running perl v5.8.6.

Update: An image of the result is available on my homenode.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use PDL;use PDL::NiceSlice;use PDL::Graphics::TriD;sub _{map(ord()-80,&_::(shift))}sub _::{split//,shift}$}=pdl(__(8665)) *ones(28,3);{$_=pdl[_('TPRRRPJZPRVJSSRTPTRPNLXPPVPP')], [_('VNNPRZPPDVPPVJJP\PNNNPJ\JPVD')],[0];for my $pdl(1..27){$_($pdl) +=$_($pdl-1)}line3d(::($_),::($}));}sub __{&_::(join('0',map(1x$_, &_::)))}sub ::{{{{}}}shift->xchg(0,1)}

Update: Futzing around a bit more, and using some techniques from teamster_jr's recent spoiler I pared this down to 5 x 72.

#!/usr/bin/perl $_=q^use PDL;use PDLKGraphicsKTriD;H _{map ord()-80,&_K(Q)}H _K{split/ +/, Q}H K{Q->xchg(0,1)}$}=pdl(__(8665))*ones(28,3);H __{&_K(join(0,map(1x$ +_, &_K)))}$_=pdl ITPRRRPJZPRVJSSRTPTRPNLXMVM)],I'VNNPRZMDVMVJJP\PNNNPJ\JP +VD ')],[0];for $p(1..27){O)+=O-1)}line3d(K($_),K($}))^;for $r(qw.sub [_( +J :: L PP N $_->slice($p P shift.){$l=chr(72+$c++);s/$l/$r/g}s/\n//g;eva +l;