in reply to My random project generator

IMHO, it'd be better to take out the elements you've used, for now I get things as:

write from scratch or write from scratch perlmonk archives
study or study hashes
write from scratch or write from scratch arrays

Something like this would fix it (/me ducks for TIMTOWTDI attacks...)

print splice(@words, int rand @words, 1), $words2[int rand @words2], splice(@words, int rand @words, 1), $words3[int rand @words3],"\n";

All code is usually tested, but rarely trusted.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: My random project generator
by strfry() (Monk) on Dec 17, 2006 at 14:52 UTC
    Alright, I know how I'm going to be populating my ~/.plan from now on... (:

    strfry( $vegetables )