in reply to How do I create friendlier URLS?

Granted, I'm suggesting something else than CGI::Application about which I know little. I do not know the scope or size of what you already have running, so YMMV.

You could look into HTML::Mason and its concept of dhandlers and autohandlers.

Using a dhandler, you can use the URLs of the form you indicated, while passing parameters with those URLs to a single script/component. For example: a URL of the form only requires a suitable dhandler in /archives/ that obtains the document with ID 753 and displays the PDF file stored for it.

Update: Added simple day-to-day example

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Re^2: How do I create friendlier URLS?
by blogical (Pilgrim) on Feb 23, 2007 at 02:49 UTC

    I especially enjoy this aspect of Mason. Not the reason I'm using it, and I'm not sure the overhead would be worth it for just this feature, but it's worth a look.

    Mason does this by jumping in and handling certain URLs, then parsing them to try and find the best match for the request. No need to state parameters explicitly with a ? or reveal the handler's name in the URL. It can even be configured in a local .htaccess file if you're working with apache in an environment where you don't have access to the httpd.conf.

    Assuming apache, here's an example .htaccess:

    order allow,deny allow from all Options -Indexes -ExecCGI #Server root relevant path to handler script Action my-handler /test/ SetHandler my-handler AddHandler default-handler .html .gif .jpg .png <FilesMatch "$"> Options +ExecCGI SetHandler cgi-script </FilesMatch>

    And an example not very useful as is, but dispatch with your new parameters as you like:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<p>Request_URI contained: " . join( ' ', map {"[$_]"} split '/' +, $ENV{REQUEST_URI}) . "</p>\n"; print "$_ => $ENV{$_}<br />\n" for sort keys %ENV;

    Don't forget that the parameters will be encoded...

    "One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for the myriad instances and applications?"
    - Henry David Thoreau, Walden