in reply to Re: Re: Redirect after POST behavior in LWP::UserAgent differs from Netscape's?
in thread Redirect after POST behavior in LWP::UserAgent differs from Netscape's?

Thanks for your help!

Also, please don't confuse redirect AFTER post with redirecting THE post

I'm not confusing it, that's just the issue with the behavior of LWP::UserAgent. If you override its 'redirect_ok' method to return True on POST requests then it will post all your submitted data to the site the server requests redirection to. If seen this way then Netscape's behavior can be regarded as safer than LWP::UserAgent's, since it won't post all your data to the site down the line (it should be noted that UserAgent's default is to NOT follow POST redirects, though, but its documentation says nothing about the way it follows POST redirects and its being non-standard).

We could conclude, then, that both LWP::UserAgent and Netscape are non-compliant, and that Netscape's behavior is safer.

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