in reply to Most efficient record selection method?

Update: Major update. I am going to reexamine putting my $HOME under revision control.

Here is the algorithm.

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Re^2: Most efficient record selection method?
by Kraythorne (Sexton) on Feb 21, 2009 at 22:56 UTC
    Ooops posted my code higher up.(i.e. completed code that appears to work)

    Update: Copied the code below so more easily found

    Just to confirm - it will accept any number of files and any selection of fields and calculate the minimum amount of records required from across all the files to demonstrate the full range of field values for the fields selected. (I think!).

    If anyone can pick up on any bugs please let me know :-)
      Update: I've copied this to where people can see it. Hopefully it will make sense to someone

      Well I think I have something that works - don't really know how efficient it is so any advice would be most welcome: The Datatools::Parsecsv is a simple subroutine we use:
      sub parse_csv { my $text = shift; my $delim = shift; my $type = undef; if ($delim && $delim =~ /comma|tab|pipe|fixed/i){ ($type, $delim) = $delim =~ m/\A (.+) \s - \s (.+) \z/xms; } my @new = (); if ($delim){ while ($text =~ m{ # the first part groups the phrase inside the quotes. # see explanation of this pattern in MRE "([^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*)"$delim? | ([^$delim]+)$delim? | $delim }gx){ if (defined $+){ push(@new, $+) } else{ push(@new, '') } } push(@new, '') if substr($text, -1,1) eq ($delim); } else{ $new[0] = $text; } return @new; # list of values that were comma-separated }

      Anyway below is the code which I've tested on a few files and it appears to function. Please let me know if any of the code could be made more efficient - I have commented the code as much as possible.

      #!c:/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Datatools::Parsecsv; my @field_selection = qw(23 24 25 26); #ARRAY INDEX LOCATIONS my @file_list = (File1, File2, File3 ); my %field_key = (); my %file_key = (); my $record_key_count = undef; #set location of the sample record output file my $proof_file = 'K:\Perl Development\Test Files\J02394_proofs.csv'; foreach my $file (@file_list){ my $header = 1; open (INFILE, "$file") || die "Cannot open file $file for reading: $!\n"; while (my $record = <INFILE>){ chomp $record; #ignore record header if ($header == 1){ $header = 0; next; } #split fields into @fields my @fields = parse_csv($record, ','); my $record_key = undef; #build up concatenated key with pipe delimiter #create field_key{field number} -> {field_key} = occurences foreach my $field_number (@field_selection){ $record_key .= '|'.$fields[$field_number]; ${$field_key{$field_number}}{$fields[$field_number]}++; } #create #file_key{filename}->{concatenated record key} = full record ${$file_key{$file}}{$record_key} = $record; } close INFILE; } open (PROOF_FILE, ">$proof_file") || die " cannot write to proof file $proof_file: $!\n"; my $built_key = undef; OPTIMISE: #Generic hash for value sorting hashes my %hash_value_to_sort = (); #keep track of smallest field tests my %smallest_field = (); #keep track of tried fields for multiple passes my %tried_field = (); #keep track of smallest fields that revert to #global_match my %exhausted = (); my $match_result = 0; #recurse built keys until match result == 1 while ($match_result == 0){ $built_key = &build_key(); $match_result = &check_key_match($built_key); } goto OPTIMISE; sub build_key{ my $still_keys_left = undef; my $appended_keys = undef; #cycle through field selection foreach my $field_number (@field_selection){ #when field keys exhausted #keep global until succesfull match #resets %exhausted if (exists $exhausted{$field_number}){ $appended_keys .= '\|' . 'global_match'; next; } #get a key for each field and build up final key my $found_key = &get_field_key($field_number); print "$field_number:" . ${$found_key}{'key'} . "\n"; $appended_keys .= '\|' . ${$found_key}{'key'}; #if field key returns global match then all #field keys have been exhausted. No need to #check for for smallest for this field anymore #so clear %smallest-field if it relates to this #field if (${$found_key}{'key'} =~ m/ global_match /xms){ $exhausted{$field_number} = '1'; if (exists $smallest_field{$field_number}){ %smallest_field = (); } } #otherwise this field still has keys left else{ $still_keys_left = 1; } #keep track of tried keys for this field incase #we have multiple passes ${$tried_field{$field_number}}{${$found_key}{'key'}} = 1; #don't bother with defining smallest once fields #exhausted go to next field if (exists $exhausted{$field_number}){ next ; } #1st definition #flag the field number and record number of #occurances that the key was found. Flag the field #as smallest. if (not defined $smallest_field{'number'}){ $smallest_field{'number'} = ${$found_key}{'number'}; $smallest_field{$field_number} = '1'; } #otherwise check current number of occurences for #this key and replace smallest if lower.Flag the #field as smallest. elsif (${$found_key}{'number'} < $smallest_field{'number'}){ $smallest_field{'number'} = ${$found_key}{'number'}; $smallest_field{$field_number} = '1'; } } #if no keys left to find, close the proof file and exit #the program if (not defined $still_keys_left){ close PROOF_FILE; exit; } #otherwise return the appended key return $appended_keys; } sub get_field_key{ #field we want to get a key for my $field = shift; #generic hash for value sorting %hash_value_to_sort = %{$field_key{$field}}; #cycle keys lowest number of occurrences first #this helps to optimise the record selection foreach my $key ( sort HashValueSort keys %hash_value_to_sort ) { #check if the field is flagged smallest occurence #only select next if key not already tried if (exists $smallest_field{$field}){ if (exists ${$tried_field{$field}}{$key}){ next; } } #return key and number of occurances return {'key' => $key, 'number' => $hash_value_to_sort{$key} }; } #if no valid key avaiable (i.e. all tried or all keys found) #return a global match for this field return {'key' => 'global_match', 'number' => '0' }; } sub check_key_match{ my $check_key = shift; #substitute with global pattern match $check_key =~ s/\|global_match/\|\.\+/g; #recurse through each file until a record key is #found in the file hash #print matching record from %file_key hash #delete matching keys from %field_key hash #delete matching record from $file_key hash foreach my $file (@file_list){ foreach my $key (keys %{$file_key{$file}}){ if ($key =~ m/\A $check_key \z/xms){ my $not_dupe = &delete_keys_found($key); if ($not_dupe == 1){ print PROOF_FILE ${$file_key{$file}}{$key} . "\n"; print STDOUT ${$file_key{$file}}{$key} . "\n"; delete ${$file_key{$file}}{$key}; } #flag match found return 1; } } } #flag no match found return 0; } sub delete_keys_found{ my $delete_keys = shift; my @delete_keys = split ('\|', $delete_keys); my $found_key = 0; #make up any blank last field after split on '|' while ($#delete_keys < $#field_selection){ push @delete_keys,''; } #ignore empty first index after split on '|' my $fld_num = 1; foreach my $field (@field_selection){; if (exists ${$field_key{$field}}{$delete_keys[$fld_num]}){ delete ${$field_key{$field}}{$delete_keys[$fld_num]}; $found_key = 1; } $fld_num++; } #if no keys found to delete then all were dupes #so flag and do not print record return $found_key; } sub HashValueSort{ $hash_value_to_sort{$b} <=> $hash_value_to_sort{$a}; }