in reply to Parent process finished. How to exit the child process.

Some options:
  1. parent sends kill signal to child when parent processing is complete. Child dies. parent reaps child and exits (or continues, I suppose).
  2. reverse the roll of parent and child. The child does the computing and the parent handles the counting&display. Child exits when complete and parent reaps child via SIG CHLD handler.
if(my $pid=fork){ while(my $c = ReadKey){ #doing something... ; } kill( HUP => $pid ); wait(0); } else { my $count = 0; while(1){ sleep(1); print $count++; } }
if(my $pid=fork){ #parent my $run = 1; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $deadchildpid = wait; $run = 0 }; my $count = 0; while($run){ sleep(1); print $count++; } } else { #child while(my $c = ReadKey){ #doing something... ; } }