in reply to Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft

Chapter 7. Method Overriding and SUPER:

You may override methods in the default Perl 5 OO system as well as in Moose. Unfortunately, core Perl 5 provides no mechanism for indicating your intent to override a parent's method. Worse yet, any function you predeclare, declare, or import into the child class may override a method in the parent class simply by existing and having the same name.

This whole paragraph seems to say that Moose has none of these faults. But even in Moose a method may override simply by existing and having the same name since the override keyword is optional

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Re^2: Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Jul 25, 2010 at 06:31 UTC

    Thanks for all of your comments. How would you like me to credit you within the book?