Category: Text Processing
Author/Contact Info Claudio Garcia
Description: I wrote a set of scripts that will automatically find rare words in a book or text.

1. The first script will FTP a very large number of ascii coded classic books from the gutenberg project (

2. The second one computes a histogram of word frequencies for all those books.

3. The third one takes the text where one wants to find rare words. It will start by showing all the words in it with count 0 in the histogram, then the ones with count 1 and so on. The user chooses manually which words he wants to include in the glossary and then chooses to stop as the scripts starts showing words with higher counts.

4. The chosen words are looked up automatically on web dictionary.

5. We have our glossary ready! The next step is unimplemented but what follows is to generate a TeX file for type-setting the ascii book with the dictionary terms as footnotes or as a glossary on the back.

Note: The scripts are short and easy to understand but not too orderly or properly documented. If you want to continue developing them feel free to do so, but please share any improvements you make to them.

Here is a description of their usage: LIST OF LASTNAMES

Will download all the book titles under each author on the list of names into a local archive. It must be run from the directory where the archive resides.


% mkdir archive
% Conan\ Doyle Conrad Gogol Darwin

After running these commands archive will contain one sub irectory for each author, and each of these will contain all the books for that author on Project Gutenberg.

Will generate a DB database file containing a histogram of word frequencies of the book archive created by the program.

To use it just run it from the directory where the 'archive' directory was created. It will generate two files, one of them called index.db containing the histogram and the other called indexedFiles.db containing the names of the files indexed so far (this last one allows us to add books to the archive and index them without analizing again the ones we already had).

Note that this script is very innefficient and requires a good deal of free memory on your system to run. A new version should use MySQL instead of DB files to speed it up. BOOK_FILE

Will take a book from the archive created by the script and will look at the word count for each of its words on the histogram of word frequencies created by Starting with the less frequent words it will prompt the user to choose which ones to include on the glossary. When the user stops choosing words the program will query a web dictionary and print the definition of all the chosen words to STDOUT.


#  Will download all the book titles under each author on the list 
#  of names into a local archive. It must be run from the directory
#  where the archive resides.
#  Example:
#  % mkdir archive
#  % Conan\ Doyle Conrad Gogol Darwin
#  After running these commands archive will contain one sub directory
#  for each author, and each of these will contain all the books for t
#  author on Project Gutenberg.

use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::URL;
use HTML::TokeParser;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;

#$ua->proxy([ 'ftp' ], '');  

# Create a new request.
my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => 
my $res = $ua->request($req, '/tmp/efete');
if(! $res->is_success) {
    print STDOUT "Failure to connect to server: " . $res->message;

$prsr = HTML::TokeParser->new('/tmp/efete');

while (my $token = $prsr->get_tag("a")) {
    my $url = $token->[1]{href} || "-";
    my $text = $prsr->get_trimmed_text("/a");

    foreach (@ARGV) {
      if($text =~ /$_/i) {
    print "found $_\n";
    push @{$authorURLs{$_}}, ($url);
#    print "$url\t$text\n";

foreach $author (keys %authorURLs) {
  print "Retrieving author $author ";
  for (@{$authorURLs{$author}}) { 
    print "URL $_ contains: \n";
    # Create a new request.
    my $authReq = new HTTP::Request GET => 
    my $authRes = $ua->request($authReq, '/tmp/authefete');
    if(! $authRes->is_success) {
      print STDOUT "Failure to connect to server: " . $authRes->messag
    $authPrsr = HTML::TokeParser->new('/tmp/authefete');

    #substitute space for underscore if needed    
    $author =~ s/ /_/g;

    if(! opendir AUTH_DIR, "archive/$author") {
      `mkdir archive/$author`;
    elsif(! opendir AUTH_DIR, "archive/$author") {
      print STDOUT "couldn't create directory: archive/$author\n";
      next AUTHOR;

    while (my $authToken = $authPrsr->get_tag("a")) {
      my $bookUrl = $authToken->[1]{href} || "-";
      my $bookText = $authPrsr->get_trimmed_text("/a");      
      if($bookUrl =~ /\/([^\/]+\.gz)\b/) {
    $book = $1;
    #check for file presence before attempting download
    rewinddir AUTH_DIR;
    while($dirEntry = readdir(AUTH_DIR)) {
      if($dirEntry =~ /$book/) { 
        print "$book already in local repository\n"; 
        next RETRIEVING;
    print "downloading into archive/$author/$book ..\n";
    #pause for one minute
    my $bookReq = HTTP::Request->new("GET", $bookUrl);
    my $bookRes = $ua->request($bookReq, "archive/$author/$book");
    if(! $bookRes->is_success) {
      print STDOUT "Failure to connect to server: " . $bookRes->messag
+e .


#  Will generate a DB database file containing a histogram of word 
#  frequencies of the book archive created by the
#  program. 
#  To use it just run it from the directory where the 'archive' direct
#  was created. It will generate two files, one of them called index.d
#  containing the histogram and the other called indexedFiles.db conta
#  the names of the files indexed so far (this last one allows us to a
#  books to the archive and index them without analizing again the one
+s we 
#  already had).
#  Note that this script is very innefficient and requires a good deal
+ of
#  free memory on your system to run. A new version should use MySQL i
#  of DB files to speed it up.

require 5;
use DB_File;    # Access DB databases
use Fcntl;      # Needed for above...
use File::Find; # Directory searching
undef $/; # Don't obey line boundaries
$currentKey = 0;

# Single database version:
#    Stores file entries in index.db as <NULL><ASCII file number>
#    The leading NULL prevents any word entries from colliding.
#unlink("index.db");         # Delete old index.db
    O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_File::DB_BTREE) ;

    O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_File::DB_BTREE) ;

foreach $filename (keys %indexedFiles) {

$wordCount = 0;

find(\&IndexFile,"archive");       # Index all of the files

#show findings here

print "..indexed $wordCount words\n";

untie(%index);                      # Close database
untie(%indexedFiles);                      # Close database
sub IndexFile {  
  #only gzipped files
  $fName = $_;

  if(!/\.gz/) {return; }
  if(!exists $indexedFiles{$File::Find::name}) {    
    if(open TEXTO, "gunzip -c $fName |") {
      $indexedFiles{$File::Find::name} = true;
    } else {
      print "couldn't fork for gunzip: $!\n";

    print "indexing $File::Find::name\n";

    my($text) = <TEXTO>;        # Read entire output
    $wordCount += &IndexWords($text);    
  } else {
    print "already indexed: $File::Find::name\n";
sub IndexWords {
    my($words) = @_;
    my(%worduniq);          # for unique-ifying word list
    # Split text into Array of words
    my(@words) = split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\xc0-\xff\+\/\_]+/, lc $words);
    @words = grep { s/^[^a-zA-Z0-9\xc0-\xff]+//; $_ }  # Strip leading
+ punct
             grep { length > 1 }                   # Must be > 1 char 
             grep { /[a-zA-Z\xc0-\xff]/ }       # alpha chars only
         grep { !/[0-9\x00-\x01f]/ }           # No nums or ctrl chars

    #count, remove duplicates
    @words = grep{ $numWords{$_}++ == 0 } @words;         # Remove dup

    foreach (@words) {
        my($a) = $index{$_};
        $a += $numWords{$_};
        $index{$_} = $a;

    return scalar(@words);    # Return count of words indexed



# Will take a book from the archive created by the 
# script and will look at the word count for each of its words on the 
# histogram of word frequencies created by Starting with t
# less frequent words it will prompt the user to choose which ones to
# include on the glossary. When the user stops choosing words the prog
# will query a web dictionary and print the definition of all the chos
# words to STDOUT.

require 5;
use DB_File;    # Access DB databases
use Fcntl;      # Needed for above...
use File::Find; # Directory searching
use Term::ReadKey;

require HTML::TreeBuilder;
require HTML::FormatText;
use LWP::UserAgent;

$|=1;     # Asynchronous I/O.
undef $/; # Don't obey line boundaries

$gzFile = $ARGV[0] || die "usage: gzippped_file\n";

open TEXTO, "gunzip -c $gzFile |" ||  die "couldn't fork for gunzip: $

my($text) = <TEXTO>;     

#%bookWords = &IndexWords($text);   
$bookIndexRef = &IndexWords($text);   

tie(%index,'DB_File',"index.db",    # Open DB file
    O_RDONLY, 0, $DB_File::DB_BTREE) or die "no abre: $!";

$occurs = 1;

print "n to not include\ny to include\nb to o back one\nq to start que

ReadMode 4; # Turn off controls keys

REVISANDO: while(true) {
  print "-- Occuring $occurs times: \n";
  print ($occurs == 1) ? " ---\n":"s ---\n";

  foreach $palabrita (sort keys %$bookIndexRef) {   
    if($index{$palabrita} == $occurs) {
      print " $palabrita [n]: ";

      while (not defined ($key = ReadKey(-1))) {}

      print "$key\n";
      if ($key =~ /b|B/) {
    ReadMode 0;
    print("which one did you miss? ");
    $palabrita = read STDIN, $cars, 128;
    push @elegidas, $palabrita;
    ReadMode 4;

      if ($key =~ /y|Y/) {
    push @elegidas, $palabrita;
      elsif ($key =~ /q|Q/) {
    last REVISANDO;

      if($contador++ == 10) {
    $contador = 0;
    last SALIR_ANTES;


# Reset tty mode
ReadMode 0;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
# $ua->proxy([ 'http' ], '');

for (@elegidas) {
  #submit query -- one every five or so seconds

  print"Elegida: $_\n";

  $elegida = $_;

  QueryDict($elegida, $ua);


untie(%index);                      # Close database

sub QueryDict {
  my ($palabrita, $agent) = @_;
  # Create a new request.
  my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => "
  # Pass Request to the user agent and get a response back.
  my $res = $agent->request($req);
  # Print outcome of the response.
  if(! $res->is_success) {
    print "Failure to connect to server: " . $res->message;
  } else {

    $html = $res->content;

    $p = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
    $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin =>
+ 60);
    $result = $formatter->format($p);
    @parrafos = split /^\s+/m, $result;
    for($x=2; !($parrafos[$x] =~ /^From WordNet/) and $x < 10; $x++) {
      print $parrafos[$x]."\n";

sub IndexWords {
    my($words) = @_;
    my(%worduniq);          # for unique-ifying word list
    # Split text into Array of words
    my(@words) = split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\xc0-\xff\+\/\_]+/, lc $words);
    @words = grep { s/^[^a-zA-Z0-9\xc0-\xff]+//; $_ }  # Strip leading
+ punct
             grep { length > 1 }                   # Must be > 1 char 
             grep { /[a-zA-Z\xc0-\xff]/ }       # alpha chars only
         grep { !/[0-9\x00-\x01f]/ }           # No nums or ctrl chars

    #count, remove duplicates
    @words = grep{ $numWords{$_}++ == 0 } @words;         # Remove dup

    foreach (@words) {
        my($a) = $bookIndex{$_};
        $a += $numWords{$_};
        $bookIndex{$_} = $a;

    print "indexed " , scalar(@words) . "\n";
    return (\%bookIndex);    # Return count of words indexed