in reply to File::find hack

Not especially elegant - I only strive for grace, not necessarily achieve it :) - but here's something that I think is a bit cleaner and more direct:

#!/usr/bin/perl use common::sense; use File::Find; my $dir = "/some/dir/some/where"; my %dirs; finddepth(\&newest, $dir); sub newest { return unless -f; my ($d, $n) = ($File::Find::dir, $File::Find::name); $dirs{$d} ||= $n and return; $dirs{$d} = $n if (stat($n))[9] > (stat($dirs{$d}))[9]; } print "$_: $dirs{$_}\n" for keys %dirs;
I hate storms, but calms undermine my spirits.
 -- Bernard Moitessier, "The Long Way"

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Re^2: File::find hack
by nemesdani (Friar) on Feb 25, 2012 at 17:46 UTC
    Cool! Thank you very much! Had to think for awhile what ||= does, I'm not an expert as you can clearly see...:)