in reply to How do I replace a substring (if exists) with a different substring in a string?

You can use substr, length, and index inside a while loop to do what you want:

my $string = '01234567890'; my $find = '0'; my $replace = 'a'; my $pos = index($string, $find); while($pos > -1) { substr($string, $pos, length($find), $replace); $pos = index($string, $find, $pos + length($replace)); }

IMHO you can't beat the following for readability:

$string =~ s/\Q$find\E/$replace/g;

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
(dkubb) Re: (3) Answer: How do I replace a substring (if exists) with a different substring in a string?
by dkubb (Deacon) on Jul 22, 2001 at 02:00 UTC

    Note: I found a bug in my earlier answer, since I can't edit it, I am posting this follow up. If the string to replace has the substring you are trying to find, it can get into an endless loop. Here is an updated ansewer:

    my $string = '01234567890'; my $find = '0'; my $replace = 'a'; my $pos = index($string, $find); while($pos > -1) { substr($string, $pos, length($find), $replace); $pos = index($string, $find, $pos + length($replace)); }

    In this case, an s/// regex is actually 5% faster.

Re: Answer: How do I replace a substring (if exists) with a different substring in a string?
by kocetoo (Novice) on Jun 28, 2016 at 12:38 UTC
    actually you can change:
    substr( $string, $pos, $length( $find ), $replace );
    with this one:
    substr( $created, $pos, length( $find ), $replace );
    $length is not function!!!