in reply to How can we interpolate an expression??

my $number = 5; my $multiplier = 3; # Use print instead of "say" print "Product is ", $number * $multiplier, "\n"; __END__ Product is 15
"say" is a short hand way to add the "\n" at the end of the line.
when you don't mean or need that, just old fashioned print will work great.

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Re^2: How can we interpolate an expression??
by Rohit Jain (Sexton) on Sep 21, 2012 at 07:52 UTC

    Well, the only one different that I know between print and say is that: -

    -->"say" adds a Newline to the output, whereas we have to give it explicitly in "print".

    Is there any other different??

      my $number = 5; my $multiplier = 3; # Use print instead of "say" print "Product is ", $number * $multiplier, "\n"; #this does not work... #"say" has limitations... say "Product is ", $number * $multiplier; __END__ Product is 15
      "Say" will add a \n to a simple string. More complex things require "print" or "printf".