#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; sub CleanBoard($$); my @Board; for(my $i=0;$i<=21;++$i) { for(my $j=0;$j<=21;++$j) { $Board[$i][$j]={'Public'=>'*','Private'=>0}; }; }; sub InitBoard() { for(my $i=0;$i<50;++$i) { my($RandX,$RandY)=(rand(20)+1,rand(20)+1); redo if ($Board[$RandX][$RandY]{'Private'}==9); $Board[$RandX][$RandY]{'Private'}=9; }; for(my $j=1;$j<=20;++$j) { for(my $i=1;$i<=20;++$i) { next if ($Board[$i][$j]{'Private'}==9); for(my $y=$j-1;$y<=$j+1;++$y) { for(my $x=$i-1;$x<=$i+1;++$x) { ++$Board[$i][$j]{'Private'} if ($Board[$x][$y]{'Private'}==9); }; }; }; }; }; sub PrintBoard() { for(my $i=1;$i<=20;++$i) { print "\n$i\t"; for(my $j=1;$j<=20;++$j) { print "$Board[$i][$j]{'Public'} "; }; }; print "\nPlease give X and Y: "; }; sub CleanBoard($$) { my($x,$y)=@_; return if($Board[$x][$y]{'Public'} eq 'M'); return if(($x<1)||($x>20)||($y<1)||($y>20)); return if($Board[$x][$y]{'Private'}==9); return if($Board[$x][$y]{'Public'} ne '*'); $Board[$x][$y]{'Public'}=$Board[$x][$y]{'Private'}; return if($Board[$x][$y]{'Private'}!=0); print "I'm now in CleanBoard with X: $x, and Y: $y\n"; CleanBoard($x-1,$y); CleanBoard($x+1,$y); CleanBoard($x,$y-1); CleanBoard($x,$y+1); CleanBoard($x-1,$y-1); CleanBoard($x-1,$y+1); CleanBoard($x+1,$y-1); CleanBoard($x+1,$y+1); }; sub PlayGame() { while(<>) { chomp; my($y,$x,$Mark)=split; exit if($y eq "q"); if (($Mark)&&(lc($Mark) eq 'm')) { print "Got a mark!\n"; if ($Board[$x][$y]{'Public'} eq '*') { print "It even is a good one!!!\n"; $Board[$x][$y]{'Public'}='M'; } elsif ($Board[$x][$y]{'Public'} eq 'M') { $Board[$x][$y]{'Public'}='*'; }; PrintBoard(); next; }; if ($Board[$x][$y]{'Private'}==9) { print "BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!\n"; exit; }; CleanBoard($x,$y); PrintBoard(); }; }; InitBoard(); PrintBoard(); PlayGame();