#!/usr/bin/perl # note, warnings are off because this shouldn't generate # 'em except where there is no "style" attribute on # image tags. use strict; use HTML::Parser; my $p=HTML::Parser->new( default_h => [ sub { print $_[0] }, 'text' ], start_h => [\&start_tag, 'tagname, attr, text']); $p->parse_file(*DATA); sub start_tag { my($tagname, $attr, $origtext) = @_; if ( ! ( $tagname eq "img") ) { print $origtext; return; } if ($attr->{style} !~/display:block/) { # avoid messy issues with other styles that may have been defined $attr->{style} = "display:block;". $attr->{style}; } print "<$tagname"; foreach ( keys %$attr) { print qq{ $_="} .$attr->{$_}.qq{"}; } print ">"; } __DATA__