use strict; use warnings; use URI::Escape; use Getopt::Long; use JSON::MaybeXS qw(encode_json); my (@infiles, @outfiles, $script, $lineofcode, $browse, $help); unless ( GetOptions ( "script=s" => \$script, "line|oneliner|code|c=s" => \$lineofcode, "inputfiles=s" => \@infiles, "outputfiles|o=s" => \@outfiles, "browse" => \$browse, "help" => \$help )) { print "GetOpt::Long returned errors (see above), available options:\n\n".help(); exit; } if ($help){ print help(); exit 0;} my $json = {}; if ($lineofcode){ $$json{cmdline} = "perl $lineofcode"; } elsif ($script){ open my $fh, '<', $script or die "unable to read $script!"; while (<$fh>){ $$json{script} .= $_ ; } $$json{script_fn} = $script; $$json{cmdline} = "perl $script"; } else{ die "Please feed at least one script using -script or a line of perl code via -code\n\n".help(); } if ( $infiles[0] ){ $$json{inputs}=[]; } foreach my $in (@infiles){ open my $fh, '<', $in or die "unable to read $in!"; my $file = { fn => $in}; while (<$fh>){ $$file{text}.=$_; } push @{$$json{inputs}},$file; } if ( $outfiles[0]){ $$json{outputs} = \@outfiles ; } my $url = ''.(uri_escape( encode_json( $json ) )); if ($browse){ if ($^O =~/mswin32/i) {exec "start $url"} else{ exec "xdg-open $url"} } else{ print $url; } #### sub help{ return <