[23:43:10.06] P:\test>411598 Author:'Lightfoot, J. B.' Title:'St. Paul?ÇÖs Epistle to the Philippians' Thing?:'Grand Rapids' Publisher:'Zondervan' Date:'1953' Comment:'Classic commentary by one of the greatest English-speaking NT scholars of all time. ' No:'2' Author:'Martin, Ralph P.' Title:'Philippians. Rev. ed.; NCB' Thing?:'Grand Rapids' Publisher:'Eerdmans' Date:'1980' Comment:'Clear and informed. ' No:'2' Author:'O'Brien, Peter, T.' Title:'Commentary on Philippians. NIGTC' Thing?:'Grand Rapids' Publisher:'Eerdmans' Date:'1991' Comment:'Thorough and insightful comments on the Greek text. ' No:'1' Author:'Silva, Mois??s.' Title:'Philippians. Baker Exegetical Commentary' Thing?:'Grand Rapids' Publisher:'Baker' Date:'1993' Comment:'Sound comments on the Greek text. ' No:'2' Author:'Barth, Markus and Helmut Blanke.' Title:'The Letter to Philemon: A New Translation with Notes and Commentary' Thing?:'Grand Rapids' Publisher:'Eerdmans' Date:'2000' Comment:'With over 500 pages devoted to a letter that was probably written on a single sheet of papyrus, this work will be consulted by all who want the most thorough treatment of Philemon and avoided by the rest of us. ' No:'3' Author:'Bruce, F. F.' Title:'The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians. NIC' Thing?:'Grand Rapids' Publisher:'Eerdmans' Date:'1984' Comment:'See comments under ?Ç£Commentaries on Ephesians.?Ç¥ ' No:'2'