A popular horoscope kind of thing is to get a person’s luck number from his/her date of birth. This is accomplished by adding together all the digits in the day, month, and year of the birthdate, then repeat the process until there is a single digit, which will be in the range of 1 to 9, inclusive. For example, if the date is 21-Nov-1995, the process is as follows: 21: 2 + 1 = 3 11: 1 + 1 = 2 1995: 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 24: 2 + 4 = 6 and then, 3 + 2 + 6 = 11: 1 + 1 = 2 Thus, the lucky number of this date is 2. Write a subroutine/function called ‘sumDigits’ that takes a whole number as an argument, and returns the sum of the digits in its argument. Write a script that reads dates from an input file, computes the lucky number for each, and writes those numbers to an output file and also to the screen. The script must ask the user for input and output file names, and allow the user to re-enter the output file name if it already exists. The script reads the input file one line at a time, breaks-up the date into three parts (day, month, and year), converts the month into a numeric value (1 through 12), calls the function ‘sumDigits’ at least four times to compute the lucky number corresponding to that date, and then writes the number to the output file and also to the screen. Include a loop in the script that allows the user to repeat this process as often as he/she wishes. Sample Input File (hp2I.dat): 21-Nov-1995 18-Jan-2001 12-Mar-1975 Sample input and output: The output of your program must exactly match the format shown below. Programmer: Name of the programmer(s) Course: COSC 146, Fall 2012 Lab#: Home project 2 Due date: Dec. 6, 2012 Enter an input file name: hp2I.dat Enter an output file name: hp2O.dat 2 4 1 Do it again, yes (or no)? YES Enter an input file name: hp2I.dat Enter an output file name: hp2O.dat The output file already exists, try again: hp2O.dat The output file already exists, try again: temp.dat 2 4 1 Do it again, yes (or no)? No