#!/usr/bin/perl # Program: shloop # Written by: Dave Graff # Purpose: runs a command line or script on each item in list use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my $bgnbold = "\033[1m"; my $endbold = "\033[0m"; $SIG{INT} = sub { close SH; exit }; my @subopt; my ( $eopt, $fopt ) = ( "", ""); my ( $verbose, $bold, $noop, $redirect, $output_only, $man ) = (0,0,0,0,0,0); my $cmd_okay = GetOptions( 's=s@' => \@subopt, 'e:s' => \$eopt, 'f:s' => \$fopt, 'v' => \$verbose, 'b' => \$bold, 'n' => \$noop, 'o' => \$output_only, 'r' => \$redirect, 'man' => \$man ); pod2usage(1) unless ( $cmd_okay ); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; pod2usage( -message => "Exactly one of '-e cmd' or '-f script' is needed\n", -exitval => 2, verbose => 1 ) unless (( $eopt ne "" ) ^ ( $fopt ne "" )); my $arg_check = $output_only + $redirect; if ( $arg_check == 2 ) { pod2usage( -message => "Cannot use both '-r' and '-o' in one run\n", -exitval => 2, verbose => 1 ); } # Parse -s args, if any my @subold = my @subnew = my @subrgx = (); while ( @subopt ) { my $subex = shift( @subopt ); ( my $colon_check = $subex ) =~ s/\\://g; # remove any colons that are "escaped" my $ncolons = ( $colon_check =~ tr/:/:/ ); # count remaining colons if ( $ncolons == 1 ) { $subex =~ /(.*?(?:[^\\])):(.*)/; # simple 'old:new' pattern push( @subold, $1 ); push( @subnew, $2 ); } elsif ( $ncolons == 3 ) { push @subrgx, $subex; # "new-improved complex regex" '[sy]:old:new:[igsm]?' pattern } else { pod2usage( -message => "Bad argument for -s", -exitval => 2, verbose => 1 ); } } # Place the command line or script in $command my $command = ""; if ( $eopt ne "" ) { $command = $eopt; } else { unless ( -r $fopt ) { # script file not found in CWD? my $base = $0; $base =~ s%[^/]*$%%; my $sfile = ""; if ( $ENV{SHLOOP_PATH} ne "" ) { # is script in SHLOOP_PATH? foreach my $p ( split( /:/, $ENV{SHLOOP_PATH} )) { if ( -r "$p/$fopt" ) { $sfile = "$p/$fopt"; last; } } } if ( $sfile eq "" ) { # how about where $0 is? if ( -r "$base$fopt" ) { $sfile = "$base$fopt"; } else { my $shldir = ( $ENV{SHLOOP_PATH} ne "" ) ? $ENV{SHLOOP_PATH} : "unset env.variable"; pod2usage( -message => "No script file $fopt in $ENV{PWD}, ". "$base or SHLOOP_PATH ($shldir)\n", -exitval => 2, verbose => 1 ); } } $fopt = $sfile; } $command = ""; open( SCRPT, "<$fopt" ); while () { if ( /^\#\# / ) { while ( /(\S*)\:(\S*)/ ) { push( @subold, $1 ); push( @subnew, $2 ); $_ = $'; # $' refers to everything that followed the match } } next if ( /^\#/ || /^\s*$/ ); s/\s*$//; # remove all trailing whitespace (including \n) if ( $command =~ /[\&\|\\]$/ ) { # if command string ends with &, | or \ $command =~ s/\\$//; # final \ flags line continuation; remove it $command .= " "; # add a space } elsif ( $command ne "" ) { $command .= "; "; # add a shell command termination } $command .= $_; # append current line of script to command string } close SCRPT; if ( $command eq "" ) { pod2usage( -message => "No commands found in script file $fopt", -exitval => 2, verbose => 1 ); } } # if the user has not provided any arg-editing instructions, # we need to give up if they also specified '-r', '-o' or '\o' in the command if ( @subold == 0 and @subrgx == 0 ) { pod2usage( -message => "Must have at least one '-s old:new' to use '-r', '-o' or '\\o'\n", -exitval => 2, verbose => 1 ) if ( $redirect or $output_only or $command =~ /\\o/ ); } # Open the shell process that will execute commands, if necessary my $shellop = 0; unless ( $command eq "rename" || # These commands use perl internals, $command eq "unlink" || # so only launch a shell for other things $command eq "delete" || $command eq "symlink" || $command =~ /^mode 0[0-7]{3}/ ) { unless ( exists( $ENV{winbootdir} )) { my $shell = "/bin/sh"; open( SH, "| $shell" ) or die "Can't launch subshell ($shell); sorry.\n"; $shellop++; } $shellop++; } # Process the input list while (<>) { s/[\r\n]+$//; my $oldf = my $newf = $_; my $i = 0; while ( $i < @subold ) # apply string substitutions in the order given { # (subs in a script file are applied after subs on cmdline) eval "\$newf =~ s{$subold[$i]}{$subnew[$i]}"; $i++; } $i = 0; while ( $i < @subrgx ) { eval "\$newf =~ $subrgx[$i]"; $i++; } my $cmd = $command; if ( $cmd =~ /\\i/ ) { $cmd =~ s/\\i/$oldf/g; } elsif ( ! $output_only ) { $cmd .= " $oldf"; } if ( @subold or @subrgx ) { if ( $cmd =~ /\\o/ ) { $cmd =~ s/\\o/$newf/g; } else { $cmd .= " >" if ( $redirect ); $cmd .= " $newf"; } } if ( $noop ) { print "$cmd\n"; } else { if ( $bold || $verbose ) { my $rprt = $cmd; $rprt =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g if ( $shellop == 2 ); # escape special chars for shell output $rprt = $bgnbold . $rprt . $endbold if ( $bold ); if ( $shellop == 2 ) { print SH "printf '%s\n' $rprt 1>&2\n"; } else { print STDERR "$rprt\n"; } } if ( $shellop == 2 ) { print SH "$cmd\n"; } elsif ( $shellop ) { system( $cmd ); } else { if ( $command eq "rename" ) { if ( $oldf eq $newf ) { # user didn't specify "-s old:new" for rename my @args = split( /\s+/, $oldf ); # see if list item has two words if ( @args == 2 ) { ( $oldf, $newf ) = @args; } else { warn "rename skipped for $oldf -- need 2 args (or -s old:new)\n"; next; } } rename( $oldf, $newf ) || warn "rename failed for $oldf -> $newf\n"; } elsif ( $command eq "symlink" ) { if ( $oldf eq $newf ) { # user didn't specify "-s old:new" for symlink my @args = map { s:/$::; $_ } split( /\s+/, $oldf ); # 2 words in list item? if ( @args == 2 ) { ( $oldf, $newf ) = @args; # 2 words: use as "target", "linkname" } elsif ( @args == 1 && $oldf =~ m%/([^/]+)$% ) { $newf = $1; # 1 word containing ".../name$": use name as linkname } else { warn "symlink skipped for $oldf -- can't establish link name\n"; next; } } symlink( $oldf, $newf ) || warn "symlink failed for $oldf -> $newf\n"; } elsif ( $command eq "unlink" || $command eq "delete" ) { unlink( $oldf ) || warn "unlink failed for $oldf\n"; } elsif ( $command =~ /mode (0[0-7]{3})/ ) { chmod( oct($1), $oldf ) || warn "chmod failed for $oldf -> $newf\n"; } } } } close SH if ( $shellop == 2 ); =head1 NAME shloop - perform a shell command or script on a list of names =head1 SYNOPSIS shloop -e 'cmd line' [-n|-v|-b] [[-o|-r] -s old:new ...] [list ...] shloop -f scriptfile [-n|-v|-b] [[-o|-r] -s old:new ...] [list ...] optional form for '-s' argument: -s '(s|y|tr):old:new:[egicds]*' =head1 OPTIONS -n : do Nothing, just list command lines as they would be run -v : (verbose) list command lines to STDERR as they are run -b : list command lines to STDERR in BOLD as they are run -o : discard the original input string, only use the output string -r : (with -s) put ">" (redirect) between input and output args -s : for each input string, create an output string by replacing "old" with "new" (multiple "-s old:new" args are allowed) Use '\i' in 'cmd line' or script to place list item in special position(s); with -s, use '\o' to place output name in special position(s). shloop -m prints the user manual =head1 DESCRIPTION Shloop applies a shell command or script to each element (each line) of a list. The list can be provided on stdin via a pipeline, or read from one or more files named on the command line. If the "-e 'cmd line'" option is used to provide a shell command, the default operation is to read each line from the input list, append that to the 'cmd line' string, and execute the result in a subshell. If the "-f scriptfile" option is used, the script file is read first, each line of the script is joined into a single string with semi-colons (except for lines ending with "&" or "|"), and then each element of the input list is appended to this string and passed to the subshell. You cannot use "-f" and "-e" together. The "-n" option ("no-execution") can be used to see how the resulting command lines will look when passed to the subshell; the commands will be echoed to stdout and will not be executed. (Redirecting stdout to a file will produce a usable shell script for the given list.) The "-v" ("verbose") or "-b" ("bold verbose") option can be used to echo each command line to stderr prior to execution, so that any resulting error messages from the subshell can be traced to the particular list element(s) involved. For either command method, one or more "-s old:new" options can be used to create an "output" list element by means of perl-style string replacement on each input element. For each line of the input list, an output element is created using "s{old}{new}" in perl -- that is, find the first occurrence of the string "old" (or whatever precedes the colon in the "-s" argument), and replace it with "new" (or whatever follows the colon in the "-s" argument). Multiple "-s" options are applied to the input string in sequence. If the colon is the last character in the argument, the "old" pattern is simply deleted from each element (replaced with an empty string). The colon can be preceded by "^" or "$" to specify the beginning or end of the input string, respectively. Certain characters in the "old" part of the "-s" argument (in addition to the "^$" just mentioned) will have special effects in the regex replacement. In particular, the period, asterisk, plus and question mark characters (".*+?") serve, as they normally do in perl, to define various "wildcard" matches in regular expressions. (Briefly stated, "." will match any single character; the others, "*+?", are quantifiers on the previous character, matching "0 or more", "one or more" or "0 or 1" occurrences of that character, respectively.) The special effects can be avoided by preceding these characters with a backslash. The following examples illustrate the basics: input element -s argument output element try/foo.bar .:_x_ _x_ry/foo.bar /.:_x_ try_x_oo.bar \.:_x_ try/foo_x_bar fo?:_x_ try/_x_o.bar fo*:_x_ try/_x_.bar o+: try/f.bar \+: try/foo.bar (no match, no change!) r: ty/foo.bar r$: try/foo.ba Since some of these characters also have special meanings for the unix shell, it's best to place single-quotes around the argument when they come into play (see examples below). All kinds of substitutions are supported, including things like "(..)(..):$2$1"; slashes within the "old" and "new" strings do not need to be escaped with backslashes. In general, it's a very good idea to use the "-n" option with "-s" to see what the command lines will look like first, then leave off the "-n" (or change it to "-v") once you've made sure that the substitutions are working the way you want. In the case of a script file, it is possible to specify string replacements within the script, by means of special "comment" lines containing "old:new" arguments. For example, placing the line: ## ^:cmp. $:.Z in a shloop script file would result in each element of the input list being modified to have "cmp." at the beginning and ".Z" at the end to produce an output element for each execution of the script. The substitutions are applied in the order presented, but after any "-s" arguments provided on the command line -- this means the command line could override the script substitutions, by altering target patterns before the script operations take effect. Comment lines in the script that begin with just one "#" are ignored by shloop, and can be used to provide any sort of commentary or documentation throughout the script file. If string replacements are applied, the default operation is to append both the input list element and the modified "output" list element to the shell command string (separated by a space), and execute the result. With the "-r" option, the input and output elements are separated by " > " instead, to perform redirection. For example: echo mytxt.txt | shloop -e wc -s 'txt$:wc' -r will execute this command in the subshell: wc mytxt.txt > mytxt.wc (If you are in a directory containing 200 files named "*.txt", then replacing "echo mytxt.txt" with "ls *.txt" in the above example will create 200 files named "*.wc".) Both "input" and "output" names can be placed at arbitrary points in the shell command string by using the special placeholders "\i" and "\o", respectively, in the 'cmd line' string or the script file (the "-r" option would have no effect in this case). For example: shloop -e "sed 's/-/ /g' \i > \o; wc -w \o" -s txt:nd will execute commands like this in the subshell: sed 's/-/ /g' file.txt > file.nd; wc -w file.nd Note the use of different quotation marks outside and inside the "cmd line" argument. Quoting in shell commands is a vast and subtle topic; again, it's best to use "-n" first, to see what will happen. =head2 Alternate (advanced) form of '-s' arguments In addition to the simple '-s old:new' type of edit directive, shloop also supports a full-fledged perl-regex specification, allowing you to use the "tr///" (a.k.a. "y///") operator to transliterate characters (rather than the "s///" operator used by '-s old:new'), and to use the "e", "i" and/or "g" modifiers on "s///" (whereas '-s old:new' never uses these modifiers). To use this more powerful approach, make sure to have three colons in the directive, like this: -s s:old:new: # replace first "old" with "new" (same as -s old:new) -s s:foo:bar:gi # replace all "foo","Foo","FOO","fOo", etc with "bar" -s 's:^:sprintf("ln_%04d\t",$.):e' # prepend line number as "ln_0001\t", etc -s tr:abc:def: # replace all "a" with "d", "b" with "e", "c" with "f" -s y:x::d # remove all "x" If your "old" or "new" string needs to use a colon as part of the string, put a backslash in front of each "data" colon (and make sure to single-quote the whole expression on the shell command line): -s 's:host\:/path:new/path:' # change "host:/path" to "new/path" If you forget the backslash, shloop will exit with an error message (because it found the wrong number of unescaped colons in the string). =head2 Use of perl-interal functions instead of shell commands Some special "cmd line" operations are defined to use perl-internal function calls, rather than using a subshell: "unlink" or "delete" (delete files), "mode NNN" (change file permissions), "symlink" (create symlinks) and "rename". These cannot be combined with each other, or with other shell commands, in a single run. The "unlink" and "mode" functions will apply only to the input elements (so don't use "-s old:new" with these); "symlink" and "rename" need two file names to operate on, which can be handled either by using "-s old:new"", or by providing two space-separated tokens on each line in the input list. "symlink" can also work on a single file name, if that name contains a "/" -- in this case, the "output" name (applied to the symlink that is created), consists of the string that follows the last "/" in the input name; that is, a symlink is created in the current working directory, with the same file name as the input list item, pointing to the path given in the list. =head1 EXAMPLES ls | shloop -e rename -s '$:.done' changes the name of every file in the current working directory by adding the string ".done" at the end; note that "-e mv" would work too, but might take longer. shloop -e 'compress -c \i | uuencode \i.Z > \i.Zuu' file.list for each file named in file.list, compress and uuencode its contents and save the output in a new file; the resulting output files will have the same names as the originals, but with ".Zuu" added at the end. (When passed through "uudecode" later on, e.g. after being sent somewhere by email, these output files will produce compressed versions of the originals, having the original names with ".Z" appended, and when those ".Z" files are passed to the "uncompress" or "gunzip" command, the original files will be restored with their original names.) ls *.tex | shloop -e 'latex \i; dvips \o; lpr \o.ps' -v -s '\.tex$:' converts all ".tex" files in the current directory to PostScript format, and sends the Postscript files to the printer; the the "dvips" program uses default file name extensions for its input and output, so a file name with no extension is used. The same result can be obtained using the following script file: ## .tex$: latex \i dvips \o lpr \o.ps The first line of this script specifies the string substitution to be done on each name in the input list (replace ".tex" at the end of the string with nothing), and the following lines are shell commands with placeholders for the original and modified names as arguments to the commands. =head1 AUTHOR David Graff (graff@ldc.upenn.edu) =cut